New diagnostic and treatment options

Recently, I’ve added two new technologies to my practice.

The first is the Mi-Eye diagnostic arthroscope. This hand held, portable technology allows me to see inside a joint (knee, hip, elbow, shoulder, hock, or carpus) in patients to accurately determine the extent of damage to the cartilage, ligament, tendon, and other structures. This can be done under sedation as an outpatient procedure.

The second is a treatment modality I added is the Companion Regenerative Medicine System. This provides in-house processing of both bone marrow (for stem cell preparation) and whole blood (for platelet rich plasma, PRP) processing to then inject into tendons, ligaments, and joints to aid in healing and pain relief. This procedure is also done under sedation on an outpatient basis.

To learn more about these technologies check out the links below. To discuss if these can be beneficial to your pet please contact me at: or message me through the blog.

I look forward to helping you and your pets in their diagnosis and recovery.


A chance to teach, always a chance to learn

I am pleased to announce that I will be attending the 9th annual International Symposium on Veterinary Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy this August. It is being held in Uppsala, Sweden at the veterinary college there. I have been asked to present lectures and demonstrations on kinesiology taping for dogs. For more information on the symposium check out this link. This symposium will also keep me up to date on the latest research and treatment options in rehabilitation.

Keela’s first agility competition

Just wanted to share a quick success story. Keela had a luxation patella (sliding kneecap) surgically corrected at our hospital in February. She did well and went through 6 weeks of rehab with me and Rebecca. Mom wanted her to try agility and she had done well that I gave the go ahead. 

Here are the results from her first competition this weekend. She came in 6th place out of 132 dogs. Her time was 11.43 seconds. Here are a few pictures. Way to go Keela! 

Kinesiology Taping for Dogs

I have been working with RockTape to investigate the use of kinesiology taping for dogs. For those of you not familiar with taping, this is the process of applying adhesive, stretch cotton weave tape to work on fascia. Fascia is the connective tissue between muscle planes that allows for fluid movement of the body. Injuries, adhesions, aging, and other processes can cause fascial damage and discomfort.

The concept of kinesiology taping in people has been well established and verified. RockTape has developed and researched applications for equine taping. I have attended an equine course (RockTape Equine) through NorthEast Seminars and learned a lot.

I am working with NorthEast Seminars and RockTape to develop a taping training course for canines. I am finding a number of applications for the tape (post-operative swelling, joint support, body awareness after spinal cord injury, to name a few) and look forward to learning more about it. As an adjunct treatment option in the multimodal approach to animal pain management and rehabilitation, it is very helpful.

To learn more about taping, check out these links:

The World’s Best Kinesiology Tape – Never Stop Moving

Manual Therapy Teaching

I am excited to announce the development of a new course in veterinary rehabilitation that I am teaching this July. This will be a 2 day live course with a hands on laboratory session. The manual therapy course will focus on massage therapy and joint mobilizations for canines. We will be filming the lecture portion to offer as an online class as well. Check out the link for more information. I hope to see you there!